I first screen shotted all of my work into one picture thinking it was going to work, which it didn't. If you were wondering, this was a part two of a series I was working on. My part one is buried under a ton of photos, so its very impossible to find! So I just came up with this one. I knew one day it would become very good, 1 million views, and everyone would be going on bearville saying "OMG ITS GABRIELA!". Come to think of it, I had some very big dreams on what I was going to become. With definitely NO experience. And I had instant chat at the time, so I was so frustrated in thinking how people would say anything they wanted! With the help of my sisters, I finally figured it out with the new cybearzone. So I decided to make a youtube account, but I had new chances, experience, and discoveries to find out!
So you also might be wondering how I found out about bearville because I didn't start off as having a furry friend, but it all started when I got a Build-Your-Own-Bear kit which I got for christmas. I have been begging my parents about getting me it for christmas. It was still a couple weeks from christmas eve, and ever since I saw the box of stitch, yarn, furr, stuffing, and a heart, I thought it was really cool! It was a really cute brown and white puppy! My parents actually bought it the day I saw it, but they said I would only open it until christmas, the day they would give it to me. I kept asking them, why can't I just open it before christmas and call it a day? But... they still told me it was until the day I would open it up. Any way, it was already christmas and I finally opened it up! I was so addicted to my creation, bringing it to the park, to the mall, everywhere I go, I had to take it with me. It also came with some clothes that I can draw pictures on, and I remember I drew a rainbow, and everything! I still didn't know what to name it until I saw the back of the box. It said Playful Pup-py because it was starting a new line, and since I was so little I didn't know what it meant. So I named it Playful Pup, Pup for short.I was so fascinated by it, and it was so adorable.So, I know your saying, just get to the point on how you discovered bearville! So, I will right now. The other side of the box said, "Join our virtual world, Build-a-Bearville.com! I thought, hey, if the toy is awesome, maybe so will the site! So I joined with curiosity, what the heck is pawsome? Who is that girl with the orange crazy ponytail? Is she the creator or a famous bearville player? So, with these new stuff to discover, that's how I joined bearville!
On my journey of Bearville, I found out about safe open chat, friends, and many more. But I wondered, how do you get the bears that go inside your backpack? Then that's how I found out how I can make a bear at babw! And recently I really wanted one for months. I also figured out how you can get a free cub condo, play more games, and get bearbills! I really wanted one a lot! So we saved up some money for me to buy one because I found the prices a little bit too much over my budget for a fur and cotton, so finally I got the money! I went to a build-a-bear-workshop at this mall that I don't go so often to, but since it was the closest location that had a build a bear store, I just went. I was choosing what bear to get, and I found one that looked just like Pup! Of course I got it, but I still didn't know what to name it. I thought, why don't I just keep it simple, and go with Playful? So that's how I got my bear!
Over the years I learned the bad language on bearville, the nasty behavior, and really rude people playing. That's when people started calling them troll accounts. What are the odds that people that are 16 go on bearville and say rude stuff that they're saying on bearville? Why would they do such a thing? I seriously ask myself that up to this day, but lets stop talking about that and get to the good side! I made so much friends and each day, more and more of them were quitting bearville, getting banned, and not getting on anymore. I started making new videos on youtube at the time, and each day I thought less and less people were caring less about bearville. So, I decided to create a blog to spice up bearville again! I thought, maybe it would work! And I got some comments from people saying that they loved my blog. I thought if I could make this work, people would start caring about bearville again. It was only a couple months until.. I got banned. I don't know why it happened, seriously! I contacted vwhelp saying that maybe it was a mistake, but they emailed me back saying that I've been on a watch list since 2013, the year that I joined YouTube! I think it was because of that, but how would they know about that? I still ask this question everyday.
So over the years, I have learned so much new things, met new people, and I still care about bearville, which is why i'm writing about my story right now!!! Please do me a favor, and treat everyone the way you wanted to be treated. Cherish each moment that you have on bearville, because one day, you might not know it, and you will get banned on bearville the same way that I did. Remember no matter what people say, do, or tell you, just remember to
Stay True
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